Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable HK5
para revestimiento de fachadapara exterior

Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior
Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior
Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior - imagen - 2
Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior - imagen - 3
Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior - imagen - 4
Sistema de fijación acero inoxidable - HK5 - HALFEN - para revestimiento de fachada / para exterior - imagen - 5
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acero inoxidable
para revestimiento de fachada
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para exterior


■ - Anclaje con ensayo de tipo ■ - Muy buenas posibilidades de ajuste ■ - Programa completo para muros de ladrillos Increased load capacities – lower costs Increased load classes of 4.0 kN, 8.0 kN and 12.0 kN instead of 3.5 kN, 7.0 kN and 10.5 kN (HK4) also has a positive effect on the number of brackets required. Fewer brackets means reduced installation time, lower transportation costs, less on site storage space is necessary and reduces the number of thermal bridges. The HK5 Bracket support therefore makes an important contribution to energy efficiency and cost savings. Easy on-site installation The reduced steel surfaces of the HK5 Bracket support means it weighs less than its predecessor. This facilitates on-site handling. Apart from that, the HK5 retains all the proven advantages of the HALFEN bracket supports. The freely adjustable height using a slotted bracket and the horizontal adjustability are ideally suited to compensate structural tolerances or installation inaccuracies. The system also ensures optimum load distribution into the main structure. The slender design and angle in the bracket ensure maximum stability. The load capacities have been type-test certified and the bracket head is building authority approved. The new, certified HK5 Bracket support system with its significant improvements in shape, thermal loss coefficients and load capacities, permit builders to build more economical and to comply with energy efficiency standards more easily.



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